Drowsy Driving

Sleep Diagnostics: Managing the risks of drowsy driving

Australasian Mine Safety Journal, 2009; 2 (4): 56-59.

A new method for assessing the risks of drowsiness while driving

Johns, M. W., Chapman, R., Crowley, K., & Tucker, A. Somnologie, 2008; 12: 66-74.

Monitoring eye and eyelid movements by infrared reflectance oculography to measure drowsiness in drivers

Johns, M. W., Chapman, R., Crowley, K., & Tucker, A. Somnologie, 2008; 12: 66-74.

Drowsy driving and the law

Johns, M. W. A submission to the Law Reform Commission of Tasmania, 2007.

Monitoring the drowsiness of drivers: A new method based on the velocity of eyelid movements

Murray Johns, Andrew Tucker & Robert Chapman. Intelligent Transport Sysytems (ITS) International Conference on Fatigue Management in Transport, San Francisco, Nov 2005

Assessing the drowsiness of drivers

Murray W Johns. Unpublished report commissioned by VicRoads, Melbourne, 2001.

A sleep physiologist’s view of the drowsy driver

Johns, M. W. Transportation Research, 2000; Part F 3 : 241-249.

Dozing at the wheel, daytime sleepiness and sleep disorders in patients at Epworth Sleep Centre

Johns, M. W., & Martyn, L. Sleep Research Online, 1999; 2: 382.

Drowsy Driving is Not Simply a Matter of Fatigue: Clarifying the Nature of a Problem at Mine-sites

Johns, M. W., Published in Australasian Mine Safety Journal, 3(6): 11-15, 2011

Sleep diagnostics: managing the risks of drowsy driving

Murray Johns and John Prendergast, Sleep Diagnostics